While on their swimming journey with Making Waves, your child will have the opportunity to complete a variety of Swim England Awards.

In our beginners the following awards are achievable

Alpha Step 1

Alpha Step 2

Alpha Step 3
The Alpha awards are designed to help build confidence and develop in the early stages of swimming.

5 metres

10 metres
Now your child is going to be challenged, really focussing on good strokes, further developing their skills and stamina.
To achieve these awards your child will need to swim the distance independently on their tummy or back.

Our Improver classes work towards the next awards

Water Skills 1

Water Skills 2
Water Skills accompanies our regular lessons, introducing children to a variety of interesting skills
25 metres to be swum independently doing front crawl, backstroke or breaststroke

In our Advanced Improver classes your child will aim to achieve

Water Skills 3

Water Skills 4
These awards continue to help your child develop skills and perfect their swimming technique
50 metres to be swum independently doing front crawl, backstroke or breaststroke

Competent swimmers will work their way through the following awards

100 metres
To be swum on using front crawl, backstroke or breaststroke

Water Skills 5
Swimmers will continue to improve their technique and stamina doing lengths and a variety of skills

200 metres
To be swum on using front crawl, backstroke or breaststroke

Bronze Challenge
Skills and a distance of 400 metres using 2 different strokes

Silver Challenge
Diving, skills and a distance of 800 metres using 2 different strokes

Gold Challenge
Diving, skills and 800 metres using 3 strokes within 25 minutes